Monday, December 28, 2009


Wow, what a whirlwind 2009 has been!! Year post op - 12-17-2009 =] Still struggling with weight, will be struggling with it the rest of my life. It's my choice to win this battle & I am fighting everyday. Eating over the holidays was tough but I'm gonna survive!! =) I've used the treadmill more lately, every thing helps - right?!

Valerie & Danny are another year older today. Can't believe Val is 13! I can going from her attitude tho, wowzers... =)

I hope Santa treated everyone well this Christmas. I am truly blessed & thankful to have people to spend the holidays with, thankful for all the men & women fighting for our freedom at home and over seas, my hats off to them - words can not describe the respect I have for them.

WLS peeps don't forget your vitamins!!! I just gobbled down some protein cereal, my calcet lemon bite **YUM** and going to get my multi's in & hope for the best, better get going the three stooges are here and being very loud arguing, not sure why. (Stooges - Valerie, Mary & Danny - my brother and sisters...)

Hope everyone has a wonderful week & New Years! Happy Healthy 2010....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

About time

I update this darn thing - I'm suppose to update & update often, thus far I have failed doing so.
This weekend has gone rather smoothly. Cooked some boneless ribs in the Crockpot - so good. :)
Got some new work pants for 30% off - so no complaints...
Still struggling weight wise, I know I am going to always battle my weight - no matter what. Being so freaking cold all I want to do is bundle up and sip hot tea, watch movies and stay inside - it's SoOoO hard trying to stick to some sort of exercise routine. So hard.
I did manage to go to the local "Vitamin Shoppe" which I had never been to - they have a decent supply of various protein goods, and when it comes to protein - I've been slacking. I am going to focus on my protein intake this week, boost it up a bit and see if increasing protein in take will help kick start a bit more weight loss. I haven't been able to get out of the 230's. I think I've been stuck here for the longest. I don't get it. I know it's suppose to be as simple as calories in calories out but *SCREAMS* - ugh. I did find the "Oh Yeah!" brand of RTD protein shakes, which I have been wanting to try. Only $3.29 there. Not too bad, I got two different flavors to try - bananas & creme and chocolate something or another. I also got a free protein water, we'll see how it is, free = good in my opinion LOL!
It's nearing Christmas & this year is tight as ever, I'm just going to focus on the kids this year. I'd like a nice new piece of jewelry but it's not necessary.
Oh, I did get a sample in the mail from Bariatric Fusion - it's tolerable. Not bad at all for a chew-able vitamin. They also threw in a sample of their protein powder "chocolate mousse" sounds good - so I'll try to let ya know how it is! =)
I've gotten in to a t.v. show - FINALLY. "In Plain Sight" - I had gotten the pilot episode free on iTunes and got hooked, we rented the rest of season one from Netflix & are working on finishing it now... I'm liking it so far, so good. Also started watching "Leverage" which is okay too. Since "ER" went off the air I've not been devoted to a show...which is totally fine. Well I need to do the MAS membership reminders... take care all <3 Kasey