Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Congrats Angi & Caleb!! 8lbs 11oz Baby Gabriella Grace!

I just got back from visiting friends in the hospital who welcomed their second daughter into the world! She's adorable :) I can't get over how much hair she has!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Short Note...

Making this quick because I am exhausted....

Took Val & Mary to a corn maze today - it was really neat. It was cut in the shape of the U.S. you can see a photo of it here: http://www.lfcornmaze.com/Corn_Maze_general_addmission.html
Fun Times... We saw a guy there with a bulldog - she had pink studded collar & her name was Olivia - SooooOOo adorable!

I'm still raving over the Calcet Calcium Citrate Lemon Cream Chews - SOOOO GOOD... they're a treat - it's like I'm eating a little bite of cake - totally loving them...tasted one and ran to the PC to order two more boxes... I hope they come out with more flavors - orange cream would rock...
I ordered them from Celebrate Vitamins @ http://www.celebratevitamins.com/

I need to get to bed! Hope everyone has a great week!! xo

Saturday, October 3, 2009

We bit confused...ramblings...

Yeah ~ trying to figure out this whole blogger thing...I've got twitter/facebook etc... down - I'll get this figured out too :)

Quick recap of my recent "events":

Saw a "free" screening of Capitalism : A Love Story - in Elkhart, IN of all places...

Not been eating that well thus been full of toxic fumes - terrible. Why do I do this to myself?!

Thanks to the help of some of my wls tweeples I've been doing very well getting my supplements in. :-) Big Thanks to Jay & Nikki!

I've been really slacking on notating my food intake. I've tried to focus on protein. I got EAS Advantage from Walgreen's on sale & I had a coupon, of course!! So far I've only consumed one box of it though... it says right on the package "do not freeze" and what did I do? Froze it on accident... at work - tossed it in the freezer to chill and got wrapped up in work and when I grabbed it out of there it was sold, could of been a weapon! So I don't know if it wasn't as good as it usually is, but it was alright. Just another protein shake really - hopefully trying it NOT frozen will be better...Alison suggested using it on cereal, which I'll try :) - I still haven't been able to find the Strawberry - I ended up with French Vanilla...

Oh www.slickdeals.net has a 40% off Borders coupon posted - I frequent slickdeals very often...

Well I've rambled enough, I'm going to try to figure out how to find more of my wls peeps on here...

Toodles.. :)